The Firm represents the local redevelopment authority (LRA) known as PuebloPlex in negotiating with the U.S. Army and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) regarding cleanup requirements and other environmental terms and conditions associated with the transfer to PuebloPlex of approximately 16,000 acres of property within the former U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot in Pueblo, Colorado. Our representation includes advising PuebloPlex with regard to environmental due diligence and environmental risk management during acquisition and redevelopment, including regulatory compliance and cleanup, environmental insurance, institutional controls, cost recovery opportunities, environmental disclosure, remediation funding sources, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other redevelopment-related issues.
The Firm also represents PuebloPlex in its negotiation of an easement and operating agreement with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). The operating agreement will govern FRA’s use of the rail line that runs across the PuebloPlex facility to operate trains to and from the FRA test center adjacent to PuebloPlex.