As part of the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) efforts to support passenger rail, the STB, on November 13, 2023, provided public notice of the formation of the Passenger Rail Advisory Committee (PRAC), pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. Chapter 10.
The purpose of the PRAC is to provide advice and guidance to the STB on a wide range of passenger rail development and operational issues, including improving efficiency on passenger rail routes; reducing disputes between passenger rail carriers and freight rail hosts, including passenger rail on-time performance; and improving regulatory processes related to intercity passenger rail. The PRAC will balance the interests of intercity passenger rail services, commuter rail services, government entities, freight rail companies, and the public. The PRAC will only provide non-binding advice and recommendations to the STB and will not have access to any confidential information.
The PRAC will consist of approximately 18 voting members and will be made up of the following passenger rail industry stakeholders. The STB may add non-voting members from government agencies as it sees fit and will ensure geographic diversity of the PRAC members.
- 2 representatives from the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak).
- 2 representatives from commuter rail operators whose operations use facilities owned and/or utilized by Amtrak, other intercity passenger rail operators, or rail freight operators.
- 2 representatives from existing intercity passenger rail operators other than Amtrak, or developers of new intercity passenger rail lines other than Amtrak.
- 1 representative from a state that provides funding for intercity passenger rail.
- 1 representative from a state in which the intercity passenger rail stations are served only by long-distance trains (i.e., passenger trains serving the entirety of routes of more than 750 miles between endpoints).
- 2 representatives from Class I freight railroads.
- 1 representative from a Class II or Class III freight railroad.
- 1 representative from an organized rail labor association.
- 2 representatives from rail passenger advocacy organizations.
- 1 representative from a rail shipper or customer advocacy organization or an individual shipper or customer.
- 3 at-large representatives with relevant experience.
The STB will publish a notice in the Federal Register and in EP 744 seeking nominations to serve on the PRAC after November 28, 2023.
The STB’s notice and additional information can be found here:
If you have any questions about the STB’s announcement, the formation of the PRAC, or if you would like to join the PRAC please contact Chuck Spitulnik or Ayelet Hirschkorn.