Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell has been actively assisting its clients in adapting to the severe economic and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to helping airports and transit agencies adapt to the economic realities of a dramatic fall-off in demand for air, rail and bus transportation, the firm’s lawyers are helping clients draft revisions to contracts and agreements and adopt policies to accommodate their partners’ financial needs.
The Firm is working closely with many clients to take advantage of federal relief funds. Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell lawyers are conducting three webinars for the airport industry to help airports navigate the legal and financial implications of the crisis. The firm will making a presentation to the Florida Airports Council Legal Committee on Friday, April 3 and to the airport members of the American Association of Airport Executives, also on April 3. The firm will be presenting additional webinars later in April for the Florida Airports Council and for the Airport Consultants Council.
For further information about any of these webinars, please contact Peter Kirsch.